

Divine contradiction: Lord Byron’s dance with Catholicism

GEORGE GORDON BYRON – known more famously as Lord Byron – remains a towering figure in the literary world, celebrated not only for his seminal role in the Romantic movement but, more quietly, for his complex dance with Catholicism, as I'll call it. This...

Fr Roger Dawson urges Holyrood to embrace ‘culture of care’ in leadership

FATHER ROGER DAWSON SJ, Superior of the Jesuits in Scotland, recently addressed Holyrood where he called for a fundamental shift towards a culture of care in society's leadership. His address followed on from the surprising victory of the Cambridge women's crew in this year's Oxford...

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Faith in Verse and Prose: Tracing Catholicism’s imprint on Scottish literature

Catholicism's profound influence on Scottish literature spans centuries, weaving a rich tapestry of themes,...

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